
今月25日に他界した元アポロ11号(Apollo 11)船長ニール・アームストロング(Neil Armstrong)氏の生前のインタビューを昨日紹介しましたが、もう一つ私が興味を持ったのは、1969年7月21日のニューヨーク・タイムズ紙(The New York Times)の記事。

Buzz Aldrin

そうです、月面着陸の翌日に出た一面記事です。これを io9 が “It is a tremendous piece of journalism” として紹介していたので、興味を持って読んでみました。


Armstrong’s initial steps were tentative tests of the lunar soil’s firmness and of his ability to move about easily in his bulky white spacesuit and backpacks and under the influence of lunar gravity, which is one-sixth that of the earth.



“tentative” は「仮の」という意味です。私が初めて見たのは、留学時に先生から毎週送られてきたメールでした。今改めてチェックしてみると、確かに毎回 “Here is a tentative schedule for next week.” と書かれています。後で変更があるかもしれんけど、という可能性が読み取れます。

tentative | Merriam-Webster

  1. not fully worked out or developed
  2. hesitant, uncertain

(2. の例は “a tentative smile” となっていました!)




“The surface is fine and powdery,” the astronaut reported. “I can pick it up loosely with my toe. It does adhere in fine layers like powdered charcoal to the sole and sides of my boots. I only go in a small fraction of an inch, maybe an eighth of an inch. But I can see the footprints of my boots in the treads in the fine sandy particles.”

Apollo 11 Bootprint

(By NASA on The Commons (Apollo 11 Bootprint) [see page for license], via Wikimedia Commons

アームストロングさんの調査が19分ほど続いた後、バズ・オルドリン(Buzz Aldrin)宇宙飛行士が加わり、アームストロングさんが撮影した有名な写真がこちら。アームストロングさんもオルドリンさんの顔部分に反射して映ってはりますね!
Buzz Aldrin

The two men got busy setting up another television camera out from the lunar module, planting an American flag into the ground, scooping up soil and rock samples, deploying scientific experiments and hopping and loping about in a demonstration of their lunar agility.


It was man’s first landing on another world, the realization of centuries of dreams, the fulfillment of a decade of striving, a triumph of modern technology and personal courage, the most dramatic demonstration of what man can do if he applies his mind and resources with single-minded determination.

The moon, long the symbol of the impossible and the inaccessible, was now within man’s reach, the first port of call in this new age of spacefaring.


And by 2025, we expect new spacecraft designed for long journeys to allow us to begin the first-ever crewed missions beyond the moon into deep space. We’ll start by sending astronauts to an asteroid for the first time in history. By the mid-2030s, I believe we can send humans to orbit Mars and return them safely to Earth. And a landing on Mars will follow. And I expect to be around to see it.(22:59)

