日系ハーフを取り上げるドキュメンタリー映画『Hafu』のインタビュー記事で目にした「more often than not」の意味とは?

5月に、私のいるところで日系ハーフを取り上げたドキュメンタリー映画の上映会が開催されることになりました。その名も、『Hafu』。日本人の発音に合わせて、”half” ではなく “hafu” となっているところがポイントです。




More often than not, the word carries certain connotations, and many Japanese have preconceived, often erroneous, notions that hafus have natural English ability, have spent time abroad, and possess many of the physical characteristics Japanese associate with Westerners.

via Hafu: Telling the story of Japan’s mixed-race minority and changing attitudes in society【Q&A】 | RocketNews24



“more often than not” は「たいてい」という意味です。

more often than not or as often as not | Macmillan Dictionary

more often than not or as often as not: on most occasions, or in most situations






As a result of viewing models and performers exclusively on television, the general public has been fed this idealized image of hafus. According to this ideal, the hafu are “model beautiful,” are mixed with caucasian, and are bilingual. The adoration of hafus has extended as far as magazines offering techniques on how to apply make up so one looks more hafu. Even more extreme, I recently came across a plastic surgeon who offered services to make women look more Western or hafu. I have even come across people who are urayamashii [envious] of hafus, saying that all hafus are beautiful, that they are lucky to be bilingual, that they wish they were hafu themselves or that they want to have hafu children one day so that their children can become models. While these comments can be viewed positively they are also stereotypes and they over simplify the hafu experience; there are many of us who don’t fit that idealized image.


via Hafu: Telling the story of Japan’s mixed-race minority and changing attitudes in society【Q&A】 | RocketNews24



We hope that this film will be seen by as many people as possible, both in and outside of Japan. Our goal is to create awareness of the diversity that exists in Japan, and also start a dialogue about what it means to be Japanese today. For those outside of Japan, we hope they will be able to reflect upon what the mixed-race experience is like in their own country. As the world is diversifying faster than even before, we need to start asking ourselves what changes are needed so that multiracial or multicultural children can grow up with confidence rather than with the fear of being different. We will be happy if our film can even make a small contribution towards that.


via Hafu: Telling the story of Japan’s mixed-race minority and changing attitudes in society【Q&A】 | RocketNews24


