映画『罪の手ざわり』のジャ・ジャンクー監督のインタビュー記事で目にした「take place」の意味とは?

昨年のカンヌ国際映画祭(Festival de Cannes)で脚本賞を受賞した映画『罪の手ざわり(A Touch of Sin)』(日本では2014年公開予定)が、地元の映画館で1週間限定で公開されていると聞き、ジェガーさんとぎりぎり行ってきました。

Still Life


しかも、オープニングで “オフィス北野 Office Kitano” と表示されてびっくりしたので、帰宅後映画について調べてみると、なんとこの映画、日中合作映画でした。

調べている最中にニューヨーク・タイムズ紙(The New York Times @nytimes)によるジャ・ジャンクー(Jia Zhang-ke)監督のインタビュー記事を見つけたので、読んでみたところ、”take place” という表現が何度か登場しました。

What kinds of changes to the censorship process have taken place in the last 10 or 15 years?

via Q. and A.: Jia Zhangke on His New Film ‘A Touch of Sin,’ Part 2 – NYTimes.com

Why do you say these changes took place starting in 2004?

via Q. and A.: Jia Zhangke on His New Film ‘A Touch of Sin,’ Part 2 – NYTimes.com

I’m preparing to make a spy movie after this martial arts film. It’s set from 1949 to 1966, the start of the Cultural Revolution. It’s a spy story that takes place in Hong Kong.

via Q. and A.: Jia Zhangke on His New Film ‘A Touch of Sin,’ Part 2 – NYTimes.com


“take place” は、会話でも文章でもよく使われています。

take place | Macmillan Dictionary

take place: to happen

(私は最初、”happen” ばかり使っていましたが、”take place” も本当によく使われています!)




彼の作品は海外での評価がめちゃめちゃ高く、映画『長江哀歌(Still Life)』も2006年にベニス国際映画祭(Venice Film Festival)で金獅子賞(Golden Lion)を受賞しています。
長江哀歌 (ちょうこうエレジー) [DVD]
でも、『Jia Zhangke Confident Controversial ‘Touch Of Sin’ Will Get China Release – The Hollywood Reporter』によると、中国内では全然公開されていないそう。


The censorship process has changed a lot. I think the biggest change happened in 2004. After 2004, from my own perspective, from the perspective of someone who works in the film industry, there was more discussion in the censorship process. In the past, no one came to talk to us. They would just say “yes” or “no.” No one would listen to the director, no one talked to the director about why he or she made the film or why he or she dealt with the subject in this manner. After 2004, directors began to have the opportunity to discuss and express their own views. After 2004, the range of subjects that directors could make films about also expanded. Of course, it’s not at the point we’d like. But I’ve always believed that we must encourage progress of China’s system. If China makes progress, then we must recognize it. The censorship process has slowly become more relaxed.


via Q. and A.: Jia Zhangke on His New Film ‘A Touch of Sin,’ Part 2 – NYTimes.com

Q. Why do you say these changes took place starting in 2004?

A.In 2004, there was a change in that China wanted to develop its film industry. It became more commercialized. The change was very big, because they began to look at films as an industry. Before, films were seen as propaganda tools, just like CCTV or People’s Daily. After 2004, in order to build up the Chinese film industry, officials began to see films not as simply propaganda but as an industry. This change in thinking directly led to the relaxation in policies that came about later.

(Q. どうして2004年を境に変化が始まったのでしょう?

A. 2004年に、中国で映画産業を発展させようという変化があったのです。それで、より商業化しました。映画を産業だととらえるようになったので、とても大きい変化でした。それまで映画は、CCTV や人民日報のように、プロパガンダの手段だと捉えられていたんです。2004年以降、中国の映画産業を築くために、当局が映画を単なるプロパガンダではなく産業として見るようになりました。その考え方の変化が、その後の規制緩和に大きくつながりました。)

via Q. and A.: Jia Zhangke on His New Film ‘A Touch of Sin,’ Part 2 – NYTimes.com




But what China lacks today is films about 1949 made in 1949, films made about the Cultural Revolution made during the Cultural Revolution, and films about June 4 [the suppression of demonstrations in Tiananmen Square in 1989] made during June 4. There needs to be an immediate reflection on the moment. This is what’s missing.


via Q. and A.: Jia Zhangke on His New Film ‘A Touch of Sin,’ Part 2 – NYTimes.com



From my perspective, what I am most interested in is individual destinies, and within individual destinies what I’m most interested in is individual struggles. I think this is a general interest that has existed among artists since the beginning of art and movies. We will always be concerned with these struggles, we will always look at the weaknesses, we will always feel a great impulse to understand these dark situations. This is something that doesn’t need to be explained.
Through our portrayal of dark situations, through our description of unfortunate events, what we get is a sort of life experience and an affirmation of life. I remember there was an artist who said that on reading Lu Xun’s short stories, he realized that Lu Xun’s short stories are all very dark, but they are like a match that illuminates us. This is art. Otherwise, what do we film? There is no shortage of these kinds of films.


via Q. and A.: Jia Zhangke on His New Film ‘A Touch of Sin,’ Part 2 – NYTimes.com
